
  • To enter the race, you must be aged 20 years or over on the date of the race.
  • We strongly suggest that you are comfortable with distance running (preferably marathon distance as a minimum) and also have experience of running off-road. Please ensure you are also comfortable with running at least 13 miles unsupported.
  • Cut-off times will be strictly enforced. Unfortunately there is no flexibility here. If you are unable to reach the checkpoint in time, we will have to withdraw you from the race and you will not be eligible for an official finish time, medal and t-shirt.
  • Anyone caught littering on the course be disqualified from the race. The Countryside Code (see bottom of this page) must be respected at all times. If we don’t respect the environment, we may not be able to organise such an event in the future. Bins will be provided at each checkpoint and there will also be facilities for rubbish in some of the towns and parks you will run through.
  • No unregistered / unofficial runners will be allowed to accompany competitors on the course
  • Running numbers must be worn on the front and must be clearly visible at all times. This is to ensure we know you are an official competitor and it will also make it easier for the volunteers at checkpoints who will be recording your times
  • Runners must follow the Stour Valley Path as marked by the waymarkers at all times. Any deviation from this route in order to gain advantage over fellow runners will result in disqualification.
  • Runners must complete the entire course on foot. The use of any other forms of transportation will result in disqualification.
  • Runners must check in at each checkpoint. At the checkpoint, please ensure that you provide your competitor number to the person with the clipboard and ensure that the volunteer has recorded your number and time of entry. Failure to register at each checkpoint will result in disqualification.
  • Runners must be respectful to other runners, volunteers and users of the footpath at all times. Any acts of bad sportsmanship are likely to result in disqualification from the race.
  • Further to the medical details provided by the runner, during the registration process, each runner must also disclose any changes to existing medical conditions and all prescription medications being taken.
  • Usage of performance enhancing drugs before or during the event will result in immediate disqualification. Winners don’t use drugs!
  • Runners compete in this event entirely at their own risk, including but not limited to road crossings, river crossings, rail crossings and all other hazards on the trail.
  • Runners who leave the course without informing volunteers at the checkpoints or the race director, will be classified as ‘lost’. This is likely to result in the initiation of ‘search and rescue’, for which the runner will be subsequently charged.
  • Runners are responsible for the actions of their crew and supporters.
  • The Stour Valley Path is used by walkers. Please be aware of other people whilst you are running. Be polite and respectful to them, making way when necessary. You do not have priority over any other users of the path.
  • All gates must be properly closed after you have gone through them, as per the Countryside Code (see bottom of this page).
  • There are a number of road crossings on the course. As such, runners must abide by the Highway Code at all times when running next to roads, or crossing roads.
  • Please also refer to the mandatory kit requirements. Random checks may be undertaken prior to the race, during the race or at the finish line. There will be a minimum of 1 hour penalty per missing item of mandatory kit (all penalties are at the Race Director’s discretion). These items are for your own safety on the course.
  • If you are running with headphones, for your own safety please remove them or ensure that your music is switched off when running through towns and villages or when crossing roads. In the past we have had tired runners crossing roads whilst being unaware of traffic due to their music.
  • Any other time penalties are at the discretion of the Race Director. For example, time penalties may be imposed for taking short cuts, regardless of whether it was intentional or accidental.

Time limit

  • 15.5 hours for SVP100 runners and 9.5 hours for SVP50 runners.

Cut off times

  • See information here for the SVP100 or here for the SVP50


  • Pacers will not be permitted during this run

Drop bags

  • No drop bags will be allowed for the race. However, you may leave a kit bag at the start point, which we can transport to the finish. We will limit this to one kit bag per runner. Please ensure the kit bag is clearly marked with your name and running number on a luggage tag.

Crew / supporters

  • We encourage you to invite supporters to provide you with morale boosting cheers throughout the day, and perhaps some of your favourite treats towards the latter stages of the race.
  • Please note that the majority of checkpoints will be situated adjacent to public houses. As such, there should be adequate opportunity for parking and refreshments.
  • Please see ‘the route‘ page for checkpoint location details
  • Crew / supporters are encouraged not to stand adjacent to or block the checkpoints. Runners will need clear access to all of the checkpoints.
  • Crews may not provide food, drink or kit between checkpoints. The runner must be self-sufficient between the aid stations. Crews can only provide additional food, drink or kit immediately before or after aid station locations

Dropping out

  • You may drop out at any checkpoint on the course (we will pick you up and transport you to the start or finish). If you drop out at a checkpoint and you don’t have supporters to provide you with a lift, we will pick you up and reunite you with your bag at the finish location in Cattawade, just outside of Manningtree.
  • It is also possible to drop out at the following locations, where there are hourly trains to Marks Tey, which joins with the Manningtree to London train service:
    • Sudbury train station at approx. mile 35
    • Bures train station at approx. mile 40
  • Please note that if you drop out at any point along the course, whether it’s at a checkpoint or not, you must immediately inform the race director. Please send a text with your name and race number so that we are aware that you have withdrawn from the race. Contact details for the race director will be provided in advance of the race.
  • If dropping out at an aid station, in addition to informing the race director of the decision to withdraw, the runner must also hand in their running number to one of the volunteers.

Rule violation procedure

Any evidence of rule violation must be submitted by the registered entrant and lodged using the following procedure:

  1. Report the alleged violation to the runner or his crew as the incident occurs. Enlist a fellow witness to the alleged violation if possible.
  2. Report the alleged violation with the runner’s name and number to the next available aid station captain.
  3. Report the alleged violation in writing at the finish line to the race director.
  4. All protests must be submitted by 6pm on the Monday following the Run. Written protests must include the name of the person who lodged the complaint.
  5. Decisions on all violations are at the final discretion of the Race Director only. There will be no challenges after that decision.

Higher risk areas

  • Footpaths – At the very start of the run, you will be running along a footpath alongside the Barbara Stradbroke Avenue (A1304). If you need to overtake people, please use the grass verge the runs alongside the footpath, rather than stepping into the road. Additionally, there are two horse crossings that intersect the footpath on this road. Please ensure that you give way to any horses crossing.
  • Roads – There are also a number of relatively busy road crossings on the run. In particular, the B1061, the A143, and the A1092. Please make sure that you stop, look and listen before crossing these roads.
  • Railways – There are two rail crossings on the run, one near the start of the race just after the golf course (when you are running on the Devil’s Dyke), and one situated just after the village of Lamarsh (shortly after CP4). The locations of these crossings are shown in the images below. Please ensure that you stop before these crossings and check to your left and right before crossing the tracks.
  • Rain – There are also a number of other potential hazards on the route. For example, there are a number of stiles that you will need to climb over. Furthermore, some parts of the route may become slippery following heavy rain, particularly where there are exposed roots or where the path runs alongside fields.
  • Harvest – The footpath crosses fields and country roads where heavy farm machinery may be in use. Please take extra caution when in these areas to ensure your safety and to avoid disrupting the harvesting activities. The farmers should be given priority in all cases.
  • Livestock – the footpath crosses fields and common grounds where livestock may be grazing. Runners should keep their distance from any livestock and move past slowly to avoid startling them and shut any gates when passing through.

Environmental considerations

You must abide by the Countryside Code at all times. Any violation of the following will result in disqualification from the race:

Respect other people

  • Consider the local community and other people enjoying the outdoors
  • Leave gates and property as you find them (i.e. closed) and follow paths unless wider access is available

Close gates

  • Runners and volunteers need to shut all gates when crossing fields to prevent the escape of livestock. For runners in particular, regardless of how close another competitor is behind you, it is vital that you close any gates firmly behind you

Protect the natural environment

  • Leave no trace of your visit and take your litter home

Enjoy the outdoors

  • Plan ahead and be prepared
  • Follow advice and local signs